Monday, July 12, 2010

Ergonomics II

What is Ergonomics?
- It is the science of designing the equipment or workplace to fit the worker.  (Wikipedia)
- Study of people's efficiency in their working environment (Apple Dictionary)
- The scientific study of equipment design, as in office furniture or transportation seating, for the purpose of improving efficiency, comfort, or safety. (

2. What are the 5 aspects of Ergonomics?
- Safety
- Comfort
- Ease of Use
- Productivity / Performance
- Aesthetics

3. For each aspects of Ergonomics, explain with an example of a product that is designed for the elderly, how the product meet that particular aspect of Ergonomics.

- Safety 
- Medicine bottles — print sizes could be enlarged so those with impaired vision (due to sinus problems, for example) can more easily read the label instructions. Ergonomics can discover the optimum font style, color and size to enhance readability using the limited space available on a medicine label.

- Comfort
- Alarm clock display — some displays are harshly bright, drawing one’s eye to the light or keeping one awake when surroundings are dark. Ergonomic principles could redesign this based on contrast principles and include automatic dimming functions in low-light environments (such as when a user has turned off the room lights to sleep).

- Ease of Use
- Street Signs — in an unfamiliar area, it can be quite difficult to spot street signs. This could be addressed by using principles of visual detection to make street signs more visible.

- Productivity / Performance
- Office furniture/equipment — the use of ergonomically designed office furniture and equipment (such as office chairs and computer input devices) can drastically reduce work-related injuries and employee absences.

- Aesthetics
- Signs in the workplace — signage could be made more aesthetic by using a consistent format throughout the workplace.

* Examples are taken from *